Saturday, 1 October 2011


When and how do I desire her ?

Every second of every day waking or asleep
Every time I see a couple holding hands
Every time I see a woman who even resembles her
Every time I go to sleep I wish it was in her arms or holding her
Every time I wake I wish it was next to her
Every time I take a walk I wish I was holding her hand

I desire her so much it sometimes hurts
I desire her so much she's with me even in my dreams
I desire her as my soul mate , my friend , my lover , my companion
I desire her for her mind
I desire her for her voice
I desire her for her bottom her thighs
I desire her for her small perfectly formed breasts
I desire her because she is a complete woman
I desire her for who she is and wishes to become

I desire her because since I met her she has changed my life
I desire her because she is the one for me there is no other
I desire her because no one else in this world makes me feel the way she does , just the sound of her voice excites me or the memory of it.

So if you ask again when and how I desire her I will say when and how , the answer is I desire her all the time and every way.


  1. Absolutely beautiful! Your baby girl is cherished and loved...and is a lucky girl indeed! :)
